In November the Houghton and Portage Township’s residents approved a school bond millage for the Houghton Portage township school district. The millage, which will take effect between 2029 and 2031, was passed by 30 votes.
Like with many large millage introductions, the school district’s proposal to voters was met with some contention. After the district made plans public and began engaging the community former city manager of Houghton Scott MacInnes and other residents asked hard questions of the district’s leadership. Some of his questions have focused on the district’s enrollment rates, draw of out-of-district students, and plans to develop an enrollment strategy.
MacInnes has contacted the district since the millage was passed and says he still has not received answers to important questions.
Those interested in learning more about the recently passed Houghton Portage township school district millage, or queries of the school district can find more details below.
The Houghton Portage Township school district will hold a regular school board meeting on Monday at 530 pm.
Scott MacInnes letter to the HPTS school district
Houghton Portage Township School District Bond Millage information page provided to the public before the November 2024 election.
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